
Kubernetes yaml validator

Introduction to Kubernetes yaml validator

The Kubernetes YAML validator is defined as the YAML validator is the tool that the Kubernetes provide to validate the YAML files, which allows us to copy, paste and validate the data of the files and it is simple to use, which also called as a YAML lint tool. So it assists in validating our data and taking efforts as a YAML checker, or we can say that YAML syntax checker, by using this tool we can able to load the URL of YAML file for validation we can also validate our YAML REST URL to validate.

Kubernetes YAML validator overviews

Generally, the organization of the Kubernetes is defined in the YAML files, which expresses the limitations and relationship between the resources of Kubernetes. For example, in Kubernetes, the YAML validator works as a human-readable format; even now, it is hard to recognize and create valid ordering at scale. Therefore, the Kubernetes come out about the tools to make validation easy and automated; with the help of such tools, Kubernetes can cross-check the resources evident to simply integrate them into pipelines, the tools which the Kubernetes provide for validation that simply carry out security and best practices, and also they try to meet the requirements.

Kubernetes YAML files

The YAML is the human-readable text-based format which is called data serialization, which allows us to simply describe the configuration type data with the help of union of map of name-value pairs and list of items with its nested version, we can obtain more data on running objects by asking for Kubernetes to express them, the documentation site of the Kubernetes allows us to reserve our configuration of YAML files inside the source control in which we can easily track the version of it; also we can able to rollback deploy them and deploy them.

The YAML files can be used in the configuration files and also in the applications where the information is being stored; we can open the YAML file in any text editor, if we want to edit the YAML file, then we should have to open it by using the source code editor like Notepad++ and the YAML files are user friendly and good for readability.

Best tools practices Kubernetes yaml validator:

There are six different tools let us see all of them,

1. Kubeval

The kubeval is one of the peak solutions for using the tool in which it can help to check and validate the resources of Kubernetes, it can execute the OpenAPI spec, which can allow keeping all validation requirements in the REST API for checking the provided input of the YAML for comparing with the schema of the API, it can support different versions of the Kubernetes in which it has a list of versions for validation, and it can present at the GitHub in the form of a JSON, the kubeval can work with YAML as well as with its configuration in which there is no need to approach the cluster for compiling the validations.

2. Kube-score

It is a YAML validation tool that can examine the Kubernetes resource configuration for different best practices like to run the container with non-root privileges, exactly identifying the limits of resources, and also health checks; if we run the analysis, then it can provide the output and missing its limits in the running cluster, it has the disadvantage that it cannot change with the new versions of the Kubernetes, also it is non-customizable, and it can add the custom policies.

3. Config-lint

It is an open-source tool which Stelligent provides, and it is mainly outlined to give easy to use characteristics for validation; it can examine the uniqueness of the requirements, it has a list of validation rules to make sure that to cross-check the configuration objects easily when we are trying to install the config-lint then it does not have any built-in checks for Kubernetes manifests we need to write rules for customization to perform the validations, every rule of the config-lint has some mandatory allotment which is used to check against a use case.

4. Copper

It is one more Kubernetes validation tool that is written in JavaScript, and it can be used to check the configuration files via custom checks; it is easy for customization, and they do not have any restrictions if the developer wants to make changes in YAML files then they can use the helper function, by using helper function we can able to write sophisticated checks for validation of the pod’s privileges, deployment, and the domain manifest, it provides the library of basic data which can be used for extracting the objects of the Kubernetes.

5. Conftest

It is a validation tool that provides the testing framework for developers, which helps the developer to check and validate the resources of Kubernetes, it does not only allow to validate the configuration, but it allows to write tests for serverless, and also for other prominent frameworks, the checks of the confest can be written by using the Rego in which it is the query language of the Kubernetes, it has enterprise-wide support because it has easy custom policies.

6. Polaris

It is another tool which Kubernetes provide for validation, it may be installed inside the cluster, or it works as a command-line tool in which it can analyse Kubernetes manifests statically, when it runs as a command-tool then it involves some built-in checks which have the security and the best practices somehow similar to Kube-score, and if we can use it for writing the custom checks which are somehow similar to the config-lint, copper, and conftest.


In this article, we conclude that the YAML validator can be used for validation purposes; we can validate our YAML file online by using the yamlvalidator.com, it also works offline, we can copy or paste our YAML file into the editor, and we can see the errors and JSON representation instantly.

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This is a guide to Kubernetes yaml validator. Here we discuss the YAML validator that can be used for validation purposes; we can validate our YAML file online. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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  2. Kubernetes Autoscaling
  3. Kubernetes Annotations
  4. Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes yaml validator | Quick Galance on Kubernetes yaml validator (educba.com)

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